Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 19: Something You Regret.

This is going to sound really cliche but honestly I dont regret anything I have ever done in my life. I say everything  happens for a reason and I have learned to live life with no regrets and to just live it to the fullest. Life only goes one way and that is forward

Day 18: Your Favorite Birthday

I would have to say my favorite birthday was my 16th birthday. I was FINALLY given my mothers car aka my car! A new car key and my drivers license. I was given that little sense of freedom I had been LONGING for.

Day 17: Your favorite memory

There are many memories in my life that I cherish and hate, but I would have to say my absolute favorite memory is when my brother and I were about 12 and 13. He and I would act out Spot videos. We had turned it into a production for our parents and it was one of those things that even though he was Autistic, we still had the best time because were brother and sister.

Day 16: Your First Kiss

Everyone's first kiss is different. For some it was passionate and perfect and for others they wish they had a redo handy

I remember my first kiss and it was exactly what I thought it would be. Pretty much amazing. I was 13. It was with a guy named Giovanny Bonilla. He was a year older than me and we were in my living room watching tv. My parents werent home and my grandmother went upstairs to leave us alone to give us some privacy. YEAH SHES PRETY DAMN AWESOME let me just tell you. I was sitting on the couch and it was one of those slow acting firework kisses. I wouldn't change it or the person for anything. I live by this, "Everything happens for a reason."

Day 15: Your dreams

My dreams vary from day to day but I know 3 things that I dream about all the time:

1) To find a man who will love me through my ups and downs which I think I have

2) To find a cure for Autism

3) To find a career in something I love to do. Hopefully work at Angels Stadium

Day 14: What Shoes You Wore Today.

In my grunged outfit today I decided to top it off with some VANS!

I have come the conclusion that Vans can either be a grunge or a cute, casual look. I counted the shoes in my closet the other day and realized I own 12 pairs of Vans and ALL DIFFERENT COLORS

Day 13: This week

This week has been one of the most stressful weeks of my entire college career. I have learned/remembered that I have a 2-3 page paper on an Entertainment Industry due May 2nd, a pamplet on sex education due Monday and a test on Criminal Justice on Monday. Yippee!!

Now for a life update: I came come to spend Easter weekend with my family and decided it would probably be best to cram and study :)

I also learned that I will  be dorming next year for the 3rd year in a row with a buttload of freshman, not excited.


Day 12: Whats In Your Big

Here's the better question, What the hell ISNT in my bag!

In my bag, I have a planner, a wallet, a phone, a notebook, what feels like 8 bajillion pens and a Criminal Justice textbook.

And half the time I wish I just carried around a card holder with my atm card, Driver's license, insurance and cash. lol

Day 11: Your Siblings

Well lets see Biologically I have only one brother: Grant. He is 18 years old. A pain in the rear and the brother that I can never replace nor would I want to. Hes my better half to say the least!!
Now, not biologically but pretty much a sister, is my "sister" Maggie. She has been a part of my life since I was 7. Starting out as a baby sitter and than just becoming a part of the family to the point where she lived with us and was scolded by my parents haha. But I love her.


Day 10: What You Wore Today

So today I completely grunged out! With a sweatshirt, jeans and vans I waked around campus with my head held high. I have always been one of those people who just doesnt give a damn what I look like. I am not the type of person who dresses to impress ALL DAY EVERYDAY. Only on important occasions :)

Reason for lack of blogging

So it turns out that when you want to put Microsoft Office on your computer you are without it for a week and half. Due to this fact, I was without my baby (laptop)! Not ok!! Continuing on with blogging :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 9: My Beliefs

My beliefs are simple. I am a Christian but I am not the kind of person who will push religion on you. If you like it and believe in it, GREAT if not you are still a cool kid in my book. Some other beliefs I have are dont call the mentally challenged kids retards, because I'll kick you so far into 2012 you will have wish  you never uttered those horrible words. I also believe in karma and reincarnation. I try to live my life by this verse:

Day 8: A moment

What can be considered a moment. I guess a moment that really is dear to my heart is when I came home to learn that my brother Grant who has severe autism, made the honor roll at his high school. In that moment I knew that no matter what anyone said, Grant could do anything. I always knew he could but it was nice to see that other people could finally see what I saw everyday.

Grant, you make me grateful for life everyday. You in my life, makes me complete. You help me to see what life is truly about and to never take life for granted. You are the best little brother that any woman could ask for. We fight, we laugh, we scream, we giggle and we cry. Without you, I dont know who or what kind of person I would be. Together you and I will concur the world.
I love you little brother :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 7: My Day

So lets see, today is April 10th, 2011. Today I spent time with my boyfriend and his friends snowboarding at Snow Valley Mountain Resort. We woke up this morning around 9:00am and drove about an hour to reach Snow Valley. Snowboarded a good 5 hours and on our last run down the hill, my boyfriend was trying to do a jump and someone thought it was a smart idea to stand on the landing platform. To avoid any injuries of the idiot gentlemen, my boyfriend turned his board, landing the nose of the board into the snow and the mometum pulled and sprained his foot that just healed from a break. I, sadly, was asked to drive down the mountain back home. I HATE MOUNTAIN DRIVING!!! It has to be one of my biggest fears besides death, spiders/insects, and ghosts/spirits.

Day 6: My Best Friend

What is there to say about me best friend.

Name: Rocheal Morales Age: 20 Likes: Animals, China, SLEEP, Anime, and not growing up Dislikes: Driving, getting old and traveling alone.Favorite Animal: Wolf Favorite Color: Blue and Yellow

This girl and I have been best friends since she moved in next door when we were 4. We were inseperable until high school when I moved. She is attending RCC and is currently doing a study aboard program in China where she is studying Mandarin.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 5: Your definition of love

Love: is an emotion of strong affection and personal that is Wikipedia's version of the word love. I believe love is what it says it is, a strong affection and personal attachment with/for another person, but in my opinion LOVE is something strong that is different for each individual. To me love follows this verse: 
To me, love is not just a word that can be thrown around. Love is meant to be something, you share with people close you. In my definition of love, you never stop loving them, you just love them differently. Love is something different for every individual but my definition of love is this:
Lindsey's Love: to care for, share a deep emotional feeling for someone or something.
Music plays a big deal when it comes to me and my emotions. It knows just what to say when I feel sad, happy and most of all loved

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 4: What I Ate Today

Thank God I actually ate somewhat healthy because I usually eat terribly. So lets see.... Today I woke up around 10am and went to Which Wich for lunch with a sorority sister. Than attended classes and went to dinner with my boyfriend and his family at BJ's where I ate fettuccine Alfredo. (FAVORITE DISH!!) For desert ordered a pizookie and had late night snack of strawberries and eadamame. Yes I love my strawberries and eadamame.

Yes it may be an awkward combination through out the day, but hey who the hell ever said I was normal, but then again, who is to say what is and what isn't normal??? 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 3: My Parents.

My parents are interesting thats for damn sure. My mom is a Marketing Producer for KVCR-PBS and my dad is CHP officer, but not the a**hole kind that like to give tickets just to meet quota. My dad works for dignitary protection. They have been married 26 years and have two kids, me and my younger brother. My mom grew up in Rialto, California and my dad grew up in Yucaipa, California.
 The people I love the most. Dad, little brother and Mom :) I couldn't ask for a better family.
 They go through phases of where they hate each other, love each other or just love to hate each other, but in the end they really do make the perfect pair. I hope to find a man that reminds me of my dad, minus the mustache.
Love at its finest, that I rarely ever see them do this  ^^^ so it was definitely a KODAK moment.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 2: First Love

I think just about everyone has had a first love. That one person whom you think about when you really shouldn't.  The one that stole your heart and you want it back but its bittersweet situation. The one you will always love no matter what they put you through or what you go through together. The one that you think of when someone tells you about a first love. The thing about first loves, is that they are meant to be a part of your life, but whether they stay there in one shape or another, is up to both parties.

 My first love: Everett Perisits. Age 20. Together almost 3 years. Ended on good terms. A part of my life, I dont plan on returning to, but a part of my life I dont plan on burning a beach fire pit. Whose to say there isnt love out there, because I know there is. We all think our first love is the one, should be the one, will be the one, but then again, they're called first loves for a reason, aren't they not? This is a chapter of my life, that I will close but never forget, Things happen for a reason and we didnt happen for a reason. C'est La Vie

Monday, April 4, 2011

30 Day Challenge

Soooo I never blog, and I never know what to blog about, so how blog about the only thing, I kind of know about... Me. I've decided to blog about my next 30 days. Consider this a 30 day challenge.

DAY 1: About Me

My name is Lindsey Wisegarver. I am 19. Sophmore. CSU Fullerton. Communication-Entertainment Stuides and Tourism Major. Sorority girl but not a ditz. I love animals but not cats and hate animal hair. I have a brother autism. My family is supportive of me. I love sports especially baseball, softball, volleyball and football. I hate basketball. Waste of time. I have a boyfriend who supports all my endevors, regardless of how stupid he or I thinks they maybe. I like the beach sunsets and snowboarding. Going out without makeup doesn't bother me. I am unemployed, recently, willingly. My goal is to find a cure for Autism and work for Angels Stadium. :)