Sunday, March 20, 2011

Customer Service from the Server's Point of View

Restuarnt Industry.

Okay, I know everyone has been to a resturant and I know that everyone has been given bad service at least once in their life. As a as server, let me give you tips on how to receive better service (and I'm pretty sure ever server can agree with me on this one.

1) When a server greets you, dont act like they are non existent. That has to be one of the most annoying things that a server has to deal with. If you greet us, we have no issue getting things for. Its pretty much starting off on the wrong foot

2) When a server asks you if you need anything else, please PLEASE tells us what you need all at once. We HATE (well I know I do) making multiple runs when you know you needed when we asked you the last time.

3) DO NOT treat us like we the scum of the earth because we are servers. We at least have jobs and are trying to do something with our lives.

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